Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Welcome to the Anthropological Chef


My name is Lin, and I am an Anthropologist.  I am also a stay at home mom with two little boys- who loves to read Smithsonian articles (online), watch “The Big Bang Theory", and has discovered a love for cooking.

I've always known how to cook something.  However, it wasn't until I started living away from home and became in charge of my own nourishment, that I truly learned how to cook! I loved it. There is just something so comforting about taking a handful of ingredients, manipulating them, to not only to nourish your body; but to tantalize it, and please it, with a wonderful taste, texture and smell.

The culinary arts is something that is uniquely tied to us all, regardless of culture, age, political background and gender.  It's truly a human art, one that has greatly impacted us biologically, socially and culturally.  The purpose of this blog- to explore how our meals their and ingredients have impacted the human experience.

Thank you for joining me on my journey, whether it be for its entirety- or for a just a moment.